The Hebrew word for tambourine is TOPH (Strongs 8596)

The Hebrew word for playing a tambourine is TAPHAPH (Strongs 8608)
The tambourine has been used since ancient times

Laban wanted to send Jacob and his family away with music - Genesis 3v27

Job speaks about people who played music and tambourines but did not want to know God - Job 21v12
The tambourine was used in warfare and to celebrate victory

The Lord defeating His enemies to the sound of the tambourine - Isaiah 30v32

Miriam led the women in praising God for His deliverance from the Egyptians
Exodus 15v20

Celebrating David's victory over the Philistines - 1 Samuel 18v6

Jephtah's daughter meeting him after his victory - Judges 11v34
The tambourine was used in praise and worship

Prophets using the tambourine and other instruments
1 Samuel 10v5
2 Samuel 6v5
1 Chronicles 13v8
Psalm 68v25
Psalm 81v2

The praise and worship was joyful, but done in an orderly manner
The tambourine is associated with dance

Psalm 149v3
Psalm 150v4
Jeremiah 31v4

See also some of the previous references
Exodus 15v20
Judges 11v34
1 Samuel 18v6
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Hebrew words for dance and worship
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